

长征(红军的成长)/The Long March(四)


"The Red Army now began offensives of its own. In 1932 it fought a great battle at Changchow, in Fukien, and captured the city. In the South it attacked Ch'en Chi-t'ang at Nan Hsiang, and on Chiang Kaishek's front it stormed Lo An,Li Chuan, Chien Ning and T'ai Ning. It attacked but did not occupy Kanchow. From October,1932, onward, and until the beginning of the Long March to the Noverthwest, I myself devoted my time almost exclusively to work with the Soviet Government, leaving the military command to Chu Teh and others."


"In April, 1933, began the fourth and, for Nanking, perhaps the most disastrous of its 'extermination campaigns'. In the first battle of this period two divisions were disarmed and two divisional commanders were captured. The Fifty-ninth Divison was partly destroyed and the Fifty-second was completely destroyed. Thirteen thousand men were captured in this one battle at Ta Lung P'ing and Chiao Hui in Lo An Hsien. The Kuomintang's Eleventh Division, then Chiang Kai shek's best, was next eliminated ,being almost totally diarmed; its commander was seriously wounded. These engagements proved decisive turning points and the Fourth Campaign soon afterwards ended. Chiang Kai-shek at this time wrote to Ch'en Ch'eng, his field commander, that he considered this defeat 'the greatest humiliation' in his life. Ch'en Ch'eng did not favor pushing the campaign. He told people then that in his opinion fighting the Reds was a 'lifetime job' and a 'life sentence'. Reports of this coming to Chiang Kai-shek, he removed Ch'en Ch'eng from the high command."


"For his fifth and last campain, Chiang Kai-shek mobilized nearly one million men and adopted new tactics and strategy. Already, in the Fourth Campaign, Chiang had , on the recommendation of his German advisers, begun the use of the blockhouse and fortifications system. In the Fifth Campaign he placed his entire reliance upon it."


"In this period we made two important errors. The first was the failure to unite with Ts'ai T'ing-k'ai's army in 1933 during the Fukien Rebellion. The second was the adoption of the erroneous strategy of simple defense, abandoning our former tactics of maneuver. It was a serious mistake to meet the vastly superior Nanking forces in positional warfare, at which the Red Army was neither technically nor spirtually at its best."


"As a result of these mistakes, and the new tactics and strategy of Chiang's campaign, combined with the overwhelming numerical and technical superiority of the Kuomintang forces, the Red Army was obliged, in 1934, to seek to change the conditions of its existence in Kiangsi, which were rapidly becoming more unfavorable. Second, the national political situation influenced the decision to move the scene of main operations to the Northwest. Following Japan's invasion of Manchuria and Shanghai, the Soviet Government had ,as early as February, 1932, formally declared war on Japan. This declaration, which could not , of course, be made effective ,owing to the blockade and enciclement of Soviet China by the Kuomintang troops, had been followed by the issuance of a manifesto calling for a united front of  all armed forces in China to resist Japanese imperialism. Early in 1933 the Soviet Goverment announced that it would cooperate with any White army on the basis of cessation of civil war and attacks on the soviets and the Red Army, guarantee of civil liberties and democratic rights to the masses, and arming of the people for an anti-Japanese war." 


"The Fifth Extermination Campaign began in October, 1933. In January,1934, the Second All-China Congress of Soviets was convened in Juichin, the soviet capital,and a survey of the achievements of revolution took place. Here I gave a long report, and here the Central Soviet Government, as its personnel exists today, was elected. Preparations soon afterwards were made for the Long March. It was begun in October, 1934, just a year after Chiang Kai-shek launched his last campaign---a year of almost constant fighting, struggle and enormous losses on both sides." 


"By January, 1935,the main forces of the Red Army reached Tsunyi, in Kweichow. For the next four months the army was almost constantly moving and the most energetic combat and fighting took place. Through many, many difficulties, across the  longest and deepest and most dangerous rivers of  China, across some of fierce aborigines, through all these natural barriers, and fighting its way past the local troops of Kwangtung, Hunan, Kwangsi, Kweichow, Yunan,Sikang, Szechuan, Kansu, and shensi, the Red Army at last reached northern Shensi in October, 1935, and enlarged its base in China's great Northwest."


"The victorious march of the Red Army, and its triumphant arrival in Kansu and Shensi with its living forces still intact, was due first to the correct leadership of the Communist Party, and second to the great skill, courage, determination,and almost superhuman endurance and revolutionary ardor of the basic cadres of our soviet people. The Communist Party of China was , is ,and will ever be faithful to Marxism-Leninism , and it will continue its struggles against every opportunist tendency. In this determination lies one explanation of its invincibility and the certainty of its final victory."


The statistical recapitulation of the Long March is impressive. It shows that there was an average of almost a skirmish a day, somewhere on the line, while altogether fifteen whole days were devoted to major pitched battles. Out of a total of 368 days en route , 235were consumed in marches by day, and 18 in marchees by night. Of the 100 days of halts-----many of which weredevoted to skirmishes------56 days were spent in northwestrn Szechuan, leaving only 44 days of rest over a distance of about 5,000 miles, or an average of one halt for every 114 miles of marching. The daily stage covered was 71 li, or nearly 24 miles------a phenomenal pace for a great army and its transport to average over some of the most hazardous terrain on earth.


According to data furnished to me by Commander Tso Ch'uan, the Reds crossed eighteen mountain ranges, five of which were perennially snow-capped, and they crossed twenty-four rivers. They passed through twelve different provices, occupied sixty-two cities and towns, and broke through enveloping armies of ten different provincial warloards , besides defeating, eluding, or outmaneuvering the various forces of Central Government troops sent against them. They crossed six different aboriginal districts, and penetrated areas through which no Chinese army had gone for scores of years.


In one sense this mass migration was the biggest armed propaganda tour in history. The Reds passed through provinces populated by more than 200,000,000 people. Between battles and skirmishes, in every town occupied , they called mass meetings, gave theatrical performances, heavily"taxed" the rich, freed many "slaves",preached "liberty, equality, democracy", confiscated the property of the "traitors" and distributed their goods among the poor. Millions of the poor had now seen the Red Army and heard it speak, and were no longer afraid of it. The Reds explained the aims of agrarian revolution and their anti-Janpanese policy. They armed thousands of peasants and left cadres behind to train Red partisans who kept Nanking's troops busy. Many thousands dropped out on the long  and heartbreaking march ,but thousands of others------farmers, apprentices, slaves, deserters from the Kuomintang ranks, workers, all the disinherited-------joined in and filled the ranks.


Some day someone will write the full epic of this exciting expedition. 































