



“My father had two years of schooling and he could read enough to keep books. My mother was wholly illiterate. Both wre from peasant families. I was the family 'scholar'. I knew the Classics, but disliked them. What I enjoyed were the romances of Old China, and especially stories of rebellions. I read 《the Yo Fei Chronicles》, 《The Water Margin》, 《The Three Kingdoms》and 《Travels in the West》while still very young, and despite the vigilance of my old teacher, who hated these outlawed books and called them wicked. I used to read them in school, covering them up with a Classic when the teacher wakled past. So also did most of my schoolmates. We learned many of the stories almost by heart, and discussed and rediscussed them many times. We knew more of them than us.I believe that perhaps I was much influenced by such books, read at an impressionable age. ”


“I finally left the primary school when I was thirteen and began to work long hours on the farm, helping the hired laborer, doing the full labor of a man during the day and at night keeping books for my father. Neverthelss, I succeeded in continuing my reading, devouring everything I could find except the Classics, especially after he was defeated in a lawsuit because of an apt Classical quotation used by his adversary in the Chinese court. I used to cover up the window of my room late at night so that my father would not see the light. In  this way I read a book called Sheng-shiWeiyen[Words of Warning], which I liked very much. The author, one of a number of old reformist scholars, thought that the weakness of China lay in lack of Western appliances——railways, telephones, telegraphs, and steamships——and wated to have them introduced into the country. My father considered such books a waste of time. He wanted me to read something pracitical like the Classics which could help him in winning lawsuits.”


“I continued to read the old romances and tales of Chinese literature. It occurred to me one day that there was one thing peculiar about such stories, and that was the absence of peasants who tilled the land. All the characters were warriors, officials, or scholars; there was never a peasant hero. I woondered about this for two years, and then I analyzed the content of the stories. I found that they all glorified men of arms, rulers of the people, who did not have to work the land, beacuse they owned and controlled it and evidently made the peasants work it for them.”


“My father was in his early days, and in middle age, a skeptic, but my mother devoutly worshiped Buddha. She gave her children religious instruction, and we were all saddened that our father was an unbeliever. When I was nine years old  I seriously discussed the problem of my father's lack of piety with my mother. We made many attempts then and later on to convert him, but without  success. He only cused us, and , overwhelmed by his attacks, we withdrew to devise new plans. But he would have nothing to do with the gods. ”


“My reading gradually began to influence me, however; Imyself became more and more skeptical. My mother became concerned about me, and scolded me for my indifference to the requirements of the faith, but my father made no comment. Then one day he went out on the road to collect some money, and onhis way he met a tiger. The tiger was surprised at the encounter and fled at once, but my father was even more astonished and afterwards reflected a good deal on his miraculous escape. He began to wonder if he had not offended the gods. From then on he showed more respect to Buddhism and burned incense now  and then. Yet when my own backsliding grew worse, the old man did not interfere. He prayed to the gods only when he ws in difficulties.  ”

