

革命的前奏/Prelude to Revolution (二)


“While I was working in the library I also met Chang Kuo-t'ao, now vicechairman of the Soviet Government; K'ang P'ei-ch'en, who later joined the Ku Klux Klan in the California; and Tuan Hsi-p'eng, now Vice-Minsiter of Education in Nanking. And here also I met and fell in love with Yang K'ai-hui. She was the daughter of my former ethics teacher, Yang Chang-chi, who had made a great impression on me in my youth, and who afterwards was a genuine friend in Peking.”


“My interest in politics continued to increase, and my mind turned more and more radical. I have told you of the background for this. But just now I was still confused, looking for a road, as we say. I read some pamphlets on anarchy, and was much influenced by them. With a student named Chu Hsun-pei , who used to visit me, I often discussed anarchism and its possibilities in China. At that time I favored many of its proposals.”


“My own living conditions in Peking were quite miserable, and in contrast the beauty of the old capital was a vivid and living compensation. I stayed in a place called San Yen-ching['Three-Eyes Well'], in a little room which held seven other people. When we were all packed fast on the k'ang there was scarcely room enough for any of us to breathe. I used to have to warn peolple on each side of me when I wanted to turn over. But in the parks and the old palace grounds I saw the early northern spring., I saw the white plum blossoms flower while the ice with the ice crystals hangjing from them and remembered the description of the scene by the T'ang poet Chen Chang, who wrote about Pei Hai's winter-jeweled trees looking 'like ten thousand peach trees blossoming' The innumerable trees of Peking aroused my wonder and admiration.”


“Early in 1919 I went to Shanghai with the students bound for France. I had a ticket only to Tientsin, and I did not know how I was to get any farther. But, as the Chinese proverb says,'Heaven will not delay a traveler,' and a fortunate loan of ten yuan fron a fellow student, who had got some money from the Auguste Comte School in Peking, enabled me to buy a ticket as far as P'u-k'ou. On the was to Nanking I stopped at Ch'uFu and visited Confucius'grave. I saw the samll stream where Confucius' disciples bathed their feet and the little town where the sage lived as a child. He is supposed to have planted a famous tree near the historic temple dedicated to him, and I saw that. I also stopped by the river where Yen Hui, one of Confucius' famous disciples, had once lived , and I saw the birthplace of Mencius. On this trip I climbed T'ai Shan, the sacred mountain of Shantung, where General Feng Yu-hsiang retired and wrote his patriotic scrolls.”


“But when I reached P'u-k'ou I was again without a copper, and without a ticket. Nobody had any money to lend me; I did not know how I was to get out of town. But the worst of the tragedy happened when a thief stole my only pair of shoes! Ai-ya! What was I to do? But again,'Heaven will not delay a traveler' ,and I had a very good piece of luck. Outside the railway station I met an old friend of shoes, and enough to buy a ticket to Shanghai. Thus I safely completed my journey ——keeping an eye on my new shoes. At Shanghai I found that a good sum had been raised to help send the students to France, and an allowance had been provided to help me return to Hunan. I saw my friends off on the steamer and then set out for Changsha.”


“During my first trip to the North, as I remember it, I made these excursions: I walked on the ice of the Gulf of PeiHai. I walked around the wall of Hsuchou, famous in the San Kuo[Three Kingdoms], and aruond Nanking's wall, also famous in history. Finally I climbed T'ai Shan and visited Confucius' grave. These seemed to me then achievements worth adding to my adventures and walking tours in Hunan.”


“When I returned to Changsha I took a more direct role in politics. After the May Fourth Movement I had devoted most of my time to student political activities, and I was editor of the Hsiang River Review,the Hunan students'paper, which had a great influence on the student movement in the South China.  In Changsha I helped found  the Wen-hua Shu-hui, an association for study of modern cultural and political tendencies. This society, and more especially the Hsin-min Hsueh-hui, were violently opposed to Zhang Ching-yao, then tuchun of Hunan, and a vicious character. We led a general student strike against Zhang , demanding his removal, and sent delegations to Peking and the Southwest, where Sun Yat-sen was then active, to agitate against him. In retaliation for the student's opostion, Chang Ching-yao suppressed the Hsiang River Review.”

